• Welcome to MSMXC
    Welcome to MSMXC Welcome to Mid Sussex Motocross Club's website. The place for all our club info, fixtures, championship tables and news.
  • Mylaps
    Mylaps We are a transponder only club. You can see all the race info right here in the mylaps results section.
  • Keep up to date
    Keep up to date with all the info from the Summer Championship and MSMXC club news.

Mid Sussex Motocross Presentation Evening 2019

We are heading back to The Crown Plaza Felbridge -gatwick on the 16th November.

Rooms start from £110 Single occupancy including breakfast, £120 double inc breakfast, £135 feature room x3 people inc breakfast and £155 for club room x4 people inc breakfast. Just quote MSMXC and the date 16th November. Booking Forms can be downloaded below.

Look forward to seeing you there.


Summer Championship 2019 - Round 1 - Points online!

Hi guys, Now that the MyLaps data has been uploaded the championship tables are now all updated.

VMX has the last round missing but i will add that later once it has been corrected on MyLaps.

All bonus points have been added where necessary so please let me know if i have fat fingered any numbers and you are missing anything.

MSMXC - AGM Minutes 2018

All the notes from last years AGM meeting have been typed up and made available via the link below.

Back online and stronger than ever!

Sorry for the loss of service from the website over the Christmas period. Thanks to a very helpful hacker the database was mangled into destruction which meant I had the lovely task of rebuilding it all from scratch. Restoring from a recent backup would not have worked as we are unsure when the breach was made. No data or anything was stolen, it was just the computer equivalent of having your car keyed.

The good news is that the site is back online and i have taken more steps to harden the security than before. This should hopefully be the last time we have to put up with this but as always some people see that as a challenge... Hopefully this is not the case.

I am doing my best to get everything back as it was but as you can imagine this will take some time some. Parts of the code for the league needs rewriting to work with the updates so they will be offline to start with.

I have spent some time hacking into the MyLaps API to try and make the results easier to view on all devices, if you see any issues with this please let me know. 

In the meantime if something is wrong or needs updating please let me know via the clubs Facebook page and i will get it sorted out.

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Warning to the Public


Despite the organisers taking all reasonable precautions, unavoidable accidents can happen. Please comply with all instructions of marshals and notices and remain in permitted areas only. 


Our Sponsors

A massive thank you to our 2024 Compass Cup sponsors!




Club Info.


Mid Sussex Motocross Committee

Paul Roeton
Membership Secretary
Sharon Clements
Sharon Clements
Media Secretary
Dave Parker
Acting Vice Chairperson
Jason Thorpe
Clerk of the Course

Chief Marshal
Sharon Clements
Chief Steward
Club Secretary
Angela Paul

Chief Track Builder

Health and Safety
MSMXC Committee
Club Secretary phone
07912 516729
for all general enquiries
General Committee
Stuart Matten, Alex York 
General Committee /Riders Representative
Child protection Officer
Angela Paul

Mid Sussex Motocross Club Officials

Chief Time Keeper
Billie Chapman
Chief Starter